August 20, 2020

Business continuity is defined as an organization’s ability to ensure operations and core business functions are not severely impacted by a disaster or unplanned incident that takes critical processes and systems offline. Whether that is due to a minor event (employee turnover) or a major event (COVID-19 pandemic), we realize normal operations can be disrupted at any time to varying degrees due to completely unforeseeable or underestimated events. It is often difficult to pick up where someone left off due to lack of workflow processes, contacts, historical notes, and organized data.  This disruption ultimately costs the business money and countless missed opportunities. Experiencing these instances can be a harsh teacher when it comes to learning that you do not have the proper contingency plans for large scale business disruptions.

Utilize technology to your advantage! It is critical that organizations adopt a software solution, like Propellr, for managing your material handling fleet that can provide tools and processes to help ensure your responsibilities, obligations, and opportunities are structured, streamlined, and at your fingertips. Leveraging a digital strategy can provide a litany of benefits: accessibility, risk reduction, automation, process improvement, and support.

Business Continuity Planning Diagram

While your daily operations may be suspended, the world keeps spinning. Leased assets are held after the leases expire, equipment is no longer being used or maintained, and hidden costs begin to accrue. These hidden costs were not considered in your business continuity plan and now you are trying to fix financial issues that are coming to your attention.

At these stages, the proper personnel that you will need to contact may be unavailable and to make the right decision is a blind stab in the dark, or at best, a semi-informed guess. How do you avoid this disconnection? Having a centralized database with established processes would alleviate the information bottlenecks and communication delays giving you the information you need to make the right decision now. Propellr’s data is accessible 24/7 by simply logging into the web portal.

What is your digital strategy to maintain continuity for your team’s fleet program?