June 26, 2019

Akin to many words and phrases, fleet management has morphed into a myriad of potential meanings and circumstances. Originally, fleet management was performed by third parties to assist with oversight and providing recommendations for your fleet. As their network grew, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and dealer organizations added the buzzword to their offerings to muddy the waters on definable characteristics. Finally, lessors joined the bandwagon to ensure they were not excluded.

The true definition of fleet management has been tarnished by posers with a conflict of interest and overloaded the industry. By adding this title to their services, they hope to garner your trust and confidence in order to derive personal benefit, which can range from selling more equipment, adding more maintenance, increasing profit margins, and/or bundling to hide true costs.

Our software was developed to eliminate the conflict! We allow you to make informed decisions to purchase the correct asset at a fair price from the vendor you prefer, select the maintenance vendor with the best performance metrics, evaluate proper lease term conditions, and countless other micro and macro business decisions. Our platform can provide as much or as little guidance as desired to allow you to scale and adapt to every situation in your organization. We exist to bring visibility to an opaque industry.  Best of all, you will be in complete control.